Should You Use Custom Logo Tape? 5 Reasons Why Businesses are Putting Logos on Shipping Tape Instead of Customizing Boxes

Yellow Branded Packing Tape

Businesses of all sizes are constantly looking for ways to better engage with their current customers as well as to attract new customers. Different marketing techniques have varying degrees of success, but one option that more and more organizations are turning to is custom logo tape. Phoenix Tape & Supply offers a variety of tape kinds that can be customized with logos, names, websites, and other items. Custom logo tape has a major advantage over customized boxes because your custom logo tape can be used on virtually any box or package. One version of custom logo tape is needed when compared against multiple different sizes of customized boxes. Contact our team today to learn more about how you can get your own custom logo tape as well as order a sample to evaluate for yourself.

Why More and More are Using Custom Logo Tape

There are a number of reasons why organizations are choosing to use custom logo tape over customizing boxes.

  1. One Solution vs Many: If a business is going to use customized boxes, they are going to need to have multiple sizes in stock and customized. This is a significant investment upfront as well as ongoing in order to make them cost-effective. Contrast this to customize packing tape with your logo, business name, website, or other vital information that is all contained on a roll of tape that is universally used on any size box.
  2. Cost-Effective Option: There is only one item to keep track of with custom logo tape. With customized boxes there are several, if not dozens, of items to keep            track of. Your custom logo tape works on any kind of box, whether it has a logo or not. We also offer the ability to order as few as one case; this is typically not possible with customized boxes.
  3. Saving Space: While boxes do fold flat, they still take up a significant amount of  space. Now multiply this space over at least a dozen different-sized boxes. And in some cases, organizations will be using several dozen different-sized boxes. In just the space used for one size of box, you could have several cases of custom logo tape stored. This allows you to have a smaller, more efficient use of your space.
  4. Easy To Swap Out: Many times, a marketing message is specific to a period of time. Your custom logo tape can quickly be swapped with another customized tape with a time-sensitive message. In fact, your customized logo tape can be swapped as often as you want to test different messages or promotions. There is no cost-effective option to do this with customized boxes.
  5. Tampering Protection: Using standard packing tape, it is easy to hide tampering with a package. Customized packing tape, by contrast, is difficult to hide tampering because there is no easy way to hide that tampering. The only way to cover up tampering is to have that same role of custom tape.

Use Custom Logo Tape to Build Your Brand

Custom logo tape is used for all of the above reasons, but one of the most consistent reasons why organizations continue to use custom logo tape year after year is that it helps to build their brand identity in the minds of their customers. Attention to detail is what your customers notice, and it elevates their perception of the value of the contents they receive. Talk with our team at Phoenix Tape & Supply today to start the process of your custom logo tape order.