Why Branded Packing Tape Creates a Memorable Unboxing Experience

Branded Packing Tape

We all order a variety of items from different suppliers or retailers, and when we receive them, we may be scratching our heads as to what the box contains, or we may be excited at what’s inside. In many cases, these different responses are due to the branded packing tape that we see on the package itself. At Phoenix Tape & Supply, we have been providing branded packing tape for thousands of different organizations that help make a memorable unboxing experience every time someone receives one of their packages. Seeing the distinctive packing tape suddenly reminds us of what we had ordered just days earlier, and our joy in finally receiving the item at our home or business. A plain box, by contrast, is just a package that has no character, evokes no memories, and provides no joy when unboxing. Contact our team today to ensure that your customers have a memorable unboxing experience the next time they receive a package from you.

Positive Brand Reinforcement with Your Custom Packing Tape

The first time that someone orders something from you, you want them to have a great experience when they receive the item. No longer is it satisfactory to just send them the item and then forget about things. Today, you have the opportunity to connect with your customers multiple times, including when they receive their package. If they receive a package with custom designed and printed packing tape, it is something that stands out and gets noticed. The receiver may also tell others about the experience, including the branded tape.

With a positive experience, the customer ordering from you a second time will have expectations that they may not even realize they have. But things will be evident when they immediately recognize your branded tape on the package, and they get excited to receive the item that they ordered not long ago. This is a subtle brand reinforcement, and you didn’t need to change how you package your orders up.

Every Little Aspect Adds Up

Sure, you could throw your item in any old box, use standard tape to seal it up, and send it on its way. But when you take the time to pay attention to the little things, they all add up to a more positive experience in the customer’s mind. Custom branded packing tape denotes that your organization cares about things and increases the value of the product inside in the customer’s mind. It establishes a higher standard that others now have to compete with to earn their business.

The next time you receive a package, notice the packing tape as well as the other aspects of the packaging. Did the retailer take the time and effort on their packaging, or was it just tossed in a box and sent on its way? At Phoenix Tape & Supply, we help you to elevate your customer’s unboxing experience, time after time, with custom branded tape. Contact us today to start your order of custom packing tape.